Church of the Reformation - Lutheran  LCMS
Affton, Missouri



Care & Share

September Meeting

Thursday, September 27th

9:30 a.m.

Ever wish you could be doing something useful with your hands while watching TV or listening to music? Well, the Care Bears have an idea. Help is needed tacking lap robes—a very easy process! Please give Lois Schoech a call if you can help!

Also, all Ladies of Reformation are invited to join Care and Share. This group meets every fourth Thursday of the month, from 9:30 a.m. till 2:00 p.m., to make quilts, layettes, lap-robes, shawls, etc. and then distributes them to families and organizations in need. Sewing expertise is not required. Soooooo if you would like more information about this cut-up and tacky bunch, please call Lois Schoech.

Church of the Reformation - Lutheran, 7910 Mackenzie Road, Affton, Missouri 63123
Phone: (314) 352-1355