Church of the Reformation - Lutheran  LCMS
Affton, Missouri


The Lord's Supper

In joyful obedience to the teaching of our Lord Jesus in Holy Scripture, it is the practice of the Evangelical Lutheran Church that Holy Communion be distributed only to members in good standing of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod or to those whose church is in full doctrinal unity with us. Visitors who for the above reasons are unable to attend, yet interested in one day partaking of the Holy Sacrament with us, are encouraged to talk to the pastor about instruction class. The body may be received by having the wafer placed directly in your mouth by the pastor or placed in your hand. The blood may be received from the individual or the common cup. If you would like to receive the Lord’s Blood from the common cup, simply indicate this by holding out your hands as the pastor or seminarian passes by.

Church of the Reformation - Lutheran, 7910 Mackenzie Road, Affton, Missouri 63123
Phone: (314) 352-1355